The Royal Atelier


In this section I would like to introduce you to some other areas of my overall business through which I divide my time. The predominant line obviously remains within the sphere of high end fashion where I also run an online shop under the trading name of “Miss Twiggy”! This shop specializes in the offer of a narrower range of sizes of some of my creations. Very often I will make a complete prototype of a dress, or a costume of some variation, and as the article is perfect in every way I feel it is a waste to keep it hanging in storage and so through “Miss Twiggy” I am able to sell such an article to a selected audience of potential clients. I would be so happy if you would like to pop over to see this store here:

Dreams don’t always remain foam on the sea.

My dreams came true when I opened my own atelier. For me everything in life should be full of enjoyment, pleasure and true happiness and this very much includes my work. A tidy and stylish but lively atmosphere inspires my fantasy to take flight. I have decorated my atelier just like a home, very personal;y and full of feeling. Earlier in life I had always planned everything well in advance. Today I live very much for the moment and enjoy a life where love for people and things meets the love for my work and life. I am very much a person who likes to analyze my life and career that embodies my heart and soul.