The Royal Atelier


Even as a little girl I possessed an unwavering knowledge of how I wanted dresses to look, much to the vexation of my mother. My mother was a professional photographer and my father was a pilot. I grew up in a very close and loving family. My ideas of a future career would float between being a fashion designer, dancer, author and painter! To to keep my feet on solid ground I studied and worked in banking. My adoration for fashion kept me a very willing prisoner and so I would work part-time as a fashion model for either photographic work or on the catwalk whilst designing and making my own dresses with great gusto! To better my technical drawing ability for fashion designing I underwent a comprehensive learning curve whilst studying various forms of of art with an art academy.

Dreams don’t always remain foam on the sea.

My dreams came true when I opened my own atelier. For me everything in life should be full of enjoyment, pleasure and true happiness and this very much includes my work. A tidy and stylish but lively atmosphere inspires my fantasy to take flight. I have decorated my atelier just like a home, very personal;y and full of feeling. Earlier in life I had always planned everything well in advance. Today I live very much for the moment and enjoy a life where love for people and things meets the love for my work and life. I am very much a person who likes to analyze my life and career that embodies my heart and soul.